Erva Nastassha Karissma - 2023-01-26
Staff smua kurg ajar tkde akhlak... i came here today nobody was there its just me & my friends.. i went to the counter i cakap “excuse me sya hntr surat” I repeated 3 times the staff tk peduli pun buat2 tk dgr dia main fon.. and then i first time hntr mail so i asked her biasa hrga brpa smua tu and then the staff mcm nk tknk je tlong explain pstu ckp kasar2 klau tknk kerja tk pyh kerja la. Kerja nk ddok main fon cust dtg pura2 tk dgr bgus ddok rumah je. I like coming here sbb mudah dekat n tk rmai org but sbbkn attitude staff kt sni mkin hari mkin kurg org dtg.